Several challenging problems in industry can be solved using advanced mathematical techniques. It is a matter of bringing the right people together in an interdisciplinary team. Over the past years we've obtained nice results in different engineering applications, bio-informatics, financial mathematics and computer graphics.
Annie Cuyt is a full professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Antwerp. She received her Doctorate in 1982 from the same university, summa cum laude and with the felicitations of the jury. Subsequently she was a Research fellow with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), she obtained the Habilitation (1986) and she was honoured with a Masuda Research Grant (Japan). She is the author of more than 160 peer-reviewed publications in international journals and conference proceedings, the author or editor of several books, a plenary speaker at more than 100 scientific gatherings, and the organizer of a number of international events.
Her current interests are in nonlinear approximation theory and its applications in scientific computing. So her expertise spans the whole ranch from pure abstract mathematics to different engineering applications (telecommunication, filter design, EM modeling, ...), bio-informatics, financial mathematics and computer graphics. From 1996-2008 she served as a member on different committees of the Flemish Science Foundation. In 2013 she was elected a life-time member of the Flemish Royal Society of the Sciences and Arts.
Wen-shin Lee is currently a member of the research group CANT on Computer Arithmetic and Numerical Techniques at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. She obtained her Ph. D. in computational mathematics from North Carolina State University (USA) in 2001. Before coming to Belgium in 2005, she was a postdoctoral researcher, first at the University of Waterloo (Canada) in the Symbolic Computation Group and later at the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) in the GALAAD project (Geometry, Algebra and Algorithms).
Besides being an invited speaker at several conferences, she served on numerous program and organizing committees such as ISSAC and ASCM. From 2007 to 2013 she also was the secretary of the ACM Special Interest Group on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (SIGSAM). Her research focuses on sparse interpolation and representation, mostly in the context of symbolic and hybrid symbolic-numeric computation. Also, connections to nonlinear approximation theory are being explored, with the aim to apply the obtained results to engineering problems, in particular to signal processing.